Festivals can now build their own page on Street Art Cities.

Street Art Cities on a brink of a new milestone: 50.000 uploads. This means that in over 1400 cities and almost 100 countries you can discover street art. Our community of hunters and artists (artists can now build their artist pages and add their work too) are on the clock every day and this past month we’ve seen almost 2000 new artworks. We realise that building this huge database needs some extra features to add more info to the dataset.

Tim Street Art Antwerp
Street Art Cities


Introducing ‘tags’ (perfect name right), it gives our contributors the chance to add more information and this is great news for festivals, organisatons and creative agencies to build an overview page of their projects….

Digital presence is a challenge.

This year I’ve visited a lot of festivals and we had several conversations with the organisations, who are working hard to get these murals up. From getting the necessary funds, looking for suitable walls, getting permissions, setting up logistics and so much more. And we noticed that building, let alone maintaining and updating a digital presence and a map is a struggle. Creating a Google Map looks easy, but when they change something on the backend you get the annoying ‘this page can’t load Google Maps correctly’ message. So sometimes these organisations give up, but it’s a shame.

don’t you hate this message

Street Art maps are valuable

A decent street art map is very important, because leading up and during a festival it’s easy to create content for your socials, and even that’s hard when you’re a small team (don’t forget you can hire us to help you with that). But sharing the finished art and locations after the event is important, if not most important. Because a lot of visitors won’t be able to visit during the festival or some people discover it by accident when they’re on a citytrip. But I guess you’re in for some time off after the festival and when you get back you’re already planning next year, so that ‘street art map’ is being postponed for when you have time, which is never trust me!

Tags & building festival pages

With the new ‘marker tags’ our community can add additional information to every artwork. These tags can be used to filter on and are searchable on our website and on our app.

detail of how the ‘tag’ looks in the artwork editor

This means you can now look for a festival (or organisation) and get an overview of all the art created. In the future ‘tags’ like ‘creation date’ or artist will make it possible to filter and do advanced searchs.

So the future looks bright…..

