Street Art Cities 2023 recap

Award season just started!

Tim Street Art Antwerp
Street Art Cities


The beginning of a new year is the best time to think back and contemplate on the previous year. And with Street Art Cities we’d like to think back on all the places we visited, the people we met and off course all the art we’ve seen. But January is also time when we start our search for the ‘best mural of the year’. This year we came up with 2 new categories and a jury panel helping us out and it’s also possible to vote on our website besides our app.

Check out the nominees and vote here

BEST OF 2023

Our monthly top 3 of the past year automatically made it to this years ‘best of 2023’.

complete list of nominated artists

For our ‘Best mural of the year’ category, we select 100 artworks each month, which we find ourselves or through tips and suggestions by hunters, other locals and artists. After sharing them on our Instagram stories we pull the numbers through our own algorithm, calculating a score which takes numerous factors in account like total views, votes & engagement. The top 3 winners per month make it into the nominees for the yearly awards, together with a selection of wildcards this years list has 50 nominees.

Introducing our jurypanel and 2 new categories.

This year we intoduce 2 new categories, with the “ Social Impact award” we share 15 murals with the most social impact. And with the “Innovation award” we look for artworks that challenge the definition of street art.

To help us in this quest we got some help, we asked some of our friends to share their knowledge on these specific fields in urban art. Below you find our friends explaining their expertise.


There’s 2 ways to vote, just like last year by downloading the app and clicking on the award banner.

look for the free Street Art Cities app in your appstore

Last year some artists told us that it wasn’t always possible for their friends, family or fans to download the app, so this year we added the possibility to vote on our website.

Voting is easy and there are 3 steps:

STEP 1: download the free Street Art Cities app or go to the website.

STEP 2: Submit your vote for all 3 categories and enter your email.

STEP 3: Check your email and confirm your votes!

IMPORTANT non confirmed votes don’t count in the end

After the succesful award campaigns the past few years, we believe that this ‘competition’ has a meaningful impact on street art and its artists. Last year all nominees have had their share of media attention, we received 100’s of messages and links to interviews on several media, from printed media to blogs and online articles. From radio interviews to national TV shows, on Italian primetime TV an art historian compared these artists with classical masters like Bernini. The days that urban art are frowned upon are slowly getting behind us. We got a lot of feedback and advice, some people even suggested to organise a physical show, step by step we look for new ways to promote and showcase urban art to the general public.


